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get a better look中文是什么意思

用"get a better look"造句"get a better look"怎么读"get a better look" in a sentence


  • 更好地看一下


  • She opened the door wider to get a better look .
  • I flashed my high - beams to get a better look at the road ahead .
  • As aaron bent down to get a better look he heard the rustling of an animal in the nearby brush
  • Linux on board series , peter dismantles the zaurus sl - 5600 to get a better look into history
    系列文章中, peter将对zaurus sl - 5600进行一下拆解,从而更好地了解一下它的历史。
  • If the stress test is positive ( abnormal ) , then a procedure called catheterization is used to get a better look inside the arteries and determine the best treatment approach
    如果结果为阳性(异常) ,就要利用导管插入术更好的观察动脉内部,以确定最好的治疗方法。
  • She considered me for a moment or two , reached for her opera - glasses to get a better look , and clearly thought she recognized me , though without being able to say positively who i was
用"get a better look"造句  
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